Reykjavik Old Harbour

Venturing along the waterline, we come to the Reykjavik Old Harbour! A working harbor with all kinds of ships and amazing views, we explore the area, climb the Þúfa mound, and enjoy a lunch and local brew at the Bryggjan Brugghús. But down at the harbor, it’s all about watching the boats!!

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Back to the Forest - Rothaus Brewery and the Schwarzwald

Back to the Black Forest! It feels so much like home here. We visited the Rothaus Brewery where we tasted beers and looked at all their goodies, then spent the evening in our woodland hotel feasting on spargel and watching the late night sunset!

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Beautiful Riquewihr! We loved it here! Small but stunning town with wineries, cheese, old architecture, colorful buildings, and a fantastic tiny brewery! We got a keugelhopf pan, a nice wedge of cheese, and beer with absinthe!

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We continued up through the Gutach Valley in the rain to Alpirsbach – a small town with a large monastery and a brewery. Sounds good to me! We toured the monestary, sought out some beer in a nice little place, and got some great chocolate!


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As we arrived in the beautiful and ancient city of Freiburg, we discovered the cute little street-side canals and beautiful towers all connected by old cobblestoned roads. We found little toys throughout the bächle, an amazing old cathedral, and had the pleasure of hearing music from truly angelic voices. We were also on a mission - those old cobblestones had to lead us to some beer!

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Andechs, then on to Salzburg

Andechs, home to one of my favorite breweries in the world!! Beer was had for sure, but first we had our jaws dropped at the most beautiful monastery church we've ever seen. After getting one of my favorite beers right from the source, we drive back to Munich, then take the train to Salzburg....

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