Shipwreck of the MV Plassey

The MV Plassey wrecked on the rocky coast of Inis Oirr back in the 1960s, and has rested on the shoreline since, where it slowly rusts and decays in the salty air. The road around the island passes by the wreck, and it’s an easy climb through the stones to get right down to the old ship! From the shore there are not only great views of the wreck, but also of the Inis Oirr lighthouse and the Cliffs of Moher in the distance…

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Evening in Alsace

When you are the home city of the designer of the most recognizable statue in the world, you have to make a dedication! We stopped and saw the tribute statue of Lady Liberty on the outskirts of Colmar before heading back into Eguisheim to wander the ancient streets. We settled in to the hotel restaurant for our first try of snails!

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Les Trois-Châteaux du Eguisheim

The Trois Chateaux du Eguisheim are three castles that overlook the town. The oldest dates back from 1006! We took a hike up to the castles, climbed the old walls, and contemplated the way of life from one thousand years ago.

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The beautiful town of Ribeauville! We found our cute hotel, then took to the streets where we enjoyed the scenery by the little square, marveled at the colors and the narrow streets, enjoyed a keugelhopf, met some nice people, and wound up sipping garlic brandy at a local distillery!

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We continued up through the Gutach Valley in the rain to Alpirsbach – a small town with a large monastery and a brewery. Sounds good to me! We toured the monestary, sought out some beer in a nice little place, and got some great chocolate!


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As we arrived in the beautiful and ancient city of Freiburg, we discovered the cute little street-side canals and beautiful towers all connected by old cobblestoned roads. We found little toys throughout the bächle, an amazing old cathedral, and had the pleasure of hearing music from truly angelic voices. We were also on a mission - those old cobblestones had to lead us to some beer!

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An easy side trip from Vienna, we took a train out to Bratislava! We were in the right place at the right time to happen upon a changing of the guard at the presidential palace, then we ventured through the old town for cafes, churches, and a crumbly old yet still beautiful abandoned street. We couldn't resist the inner tourist coming out when we found our way to the old square!

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