Downtown Reykjavik - Laugavegur and the Sun Voyager

With Hallgrimskirkja behind us on the hill, we trek through the streets of Reykjavik, exploring the quaint shops, artsy murals, and cozy cafes. What a great city! We stop for a bit before heading down to the water to see the Sun Voyager, a famous and amazing sculpture celebrating the island’s Viking roots!

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Icelandic Cuisine

Fermented Shark. Pickled sheep heads. Sour blubber. Stinky skate. Dung-smoked fish... traditional Icelandic dishes can read like a horror story! The harsh climate and isolated location meant historically the people had to improvise, and the scary sounding food is less scary than starving to death. But with modern times come modern changes, and not all of the old dishes can be this scary… can they?

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Roundstone is a charming little fishing village along the Connemara coast with bright colored houses and boat-filled harbor. We venture to the pier, sample some local seafood, and get in some culture at the traditional music center before a breathtaking stop along a secluded country road!

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Cnoc Suain

Cnoc Suain was the center of our honeymoon ten years ago. It was where we made our home base, it was the site of the little village on the hill with our cottage An Nead. It was where we woke every morning to the stillness of the Irish countryside or the thrill of running through the fields with the dogs and pony. Today, we revisit the land of Cnoc Suain, walking those same bogs and fields, passing through those amazing buildings, and learning of how they’ve grown since our last visit.

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Vienna Pt. 2

Cafe hunt successful, we enjoyed a Viennese Melange. Vienna does have the best coffee! I got to visit one of my favorite buildings in the whole world, then had another dose of fine art at the Kunsthistoriches Museum before finishing the night out by returning to a great restaurant we went to soon after we first met!

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